I hadn't been feeling well for quite some time. I'd been working long hours so I assumed that I was exhausted or perhaps even experiencing a little burnout. It was nothing unusual for me to go long stretches of time where I'd work 10+ hours a day, six days a week. I knew I'd been neglecting myself but I needed to finish this project and then I'd have time to eat better, get some much needed rest, and schedule a doctor's appointment.
I finally hit the proverbial wall where I suddenly realized that I wasn't going to finish the project and I couldn't keep going without squeezing in that dreaded doctor visit. I'd been delaying a visit until I could lose the couple of pounds she recommended each time I saw her. And now, not only had I not lost the couple of pounds, but I'd put on a few extra. Oh well, time to bite the bullet and see why I was so tired all the time.
After getting my blood drawn, running a few extra tests, and completing the dreaded annual exam, I went back to my workaholic routine and waited for the results. I was sitting at my desk at work when a call came in from my doctor's office. I took the call, expecting to hear a nurse's voice on the other end. I remember thinking, this can't be good, when I realized my doctor was calling to give me the results herself. "Lynn, I have your test results in and I'm sorry to have to tell you that it's conclusive. You have invasive ductile carcinoma." This can't be right. Was she saying that I had cancer?
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